After several months since a mapping, I had started to turn the volume up on my second implant. I was happy to begin to realize some growth with my newly implanted side. So last week on August 5th, I had an appointment with my audiologist. This time there was significant change in my map on the right side, an implant that I have had for nine months. We also mapped the left side, which I have had for seven years, and there was very little change there.
After my appointment, I went to visit family. Initially, there is some adjustment time after a mapping and I hadn’t yet realized the significance of the changes made. After a few hours of visiting with my daughter and her family, I headed home. I started my 40 minute drive and decided to see how music sounded with my new maps. I popped the “Eagles Greatist Hits” CD into the player and started listening. After a couple of songs I realized that it was sounding really good. The “Eagles” was a group I listened to quite a bit before my hearing loss was significant and I realized that my memory of this music might be enhancing what I thought I was hearing. I decided I wanted to give my new sound more of a test. Then I remembered that I had a CD my daughter had given me for Christmas that I had only played a couple of times because I was disappointed with how it sounded. The CD is “Ultimate Manilow.” I thought to myself, “Let’s see if Barry Manilow sounds any better.” It was amazing. Now I know what his fans fuss about. I could hear the orchestra music in tune and even make out some of the instruments. I could understand more of the words in the vocal. What I was hearing was pure pleasure.
You know what I will be doing in my spare time or when I’m in the car – listening to music, reliving old tunes and learning new.
I Write the Songs
Written by: Bruce Johnston
I've been alive forever, and I wrote the very first song
I put the words and the melodies together
I am music and I write the songs
I write the songs that make the whole world sing
I write the songs of love and special things
I write the songs that make the young girls cry
I write the songs, I write the songs
My home lies deep within you
And I've got my own place in your soul
Now, when I look out through your eyes
I'm young again, even though I'm very old
Oh my music makes you dance
And gives you spirit to take a chance
And I wrote some rock 'n' roll so you can move
Music fills your heart
Well, that's a real fine place to start
It's from me it's for you
It's from you, it's for me
It's a worldwide symphony