For about a week now, my hearing has been different. I suffer from seasonal allergies and they really flared up about ten days ago and I had to start taking medication for some relief. A few days after I started taking the allergy medicine, my hearing started to sort of echo, mostly in the lower tones. Sometimes it is so bad that is sounds like I have Darth Vader talking behind me and if I'm in a store or a place where there is a lot of background noise, it sounds like there is a train rumbling through.
I have an appointment for a mapping coming up this week. I'm looking forward to seeing my audiologist. I don't know if the allergies have anything to do with how I'm hearing or if I just need a new map. It is one year this week since I got my second implant, so it could very well be my hearing is still changing and adjusting. I kind of hope it is not the allergies, because if my reactions can change my hearing this much, it might be challenging to figure out how to adjust for that much fluctuation. But, if necessary, adjust I will because that is what we do!
I am only a newbie (been activated August 25, 2008), but I recently had a cold and I wondered if it would affect my CI ear. It didn't. Neither did the ear with a hearing aid, so maybe it wasn't affecting the middle ear so much. I hope it's just a tweak in your map that you need and not because of the medications.